After Shahanshah Satguru Sai Satramdas Sahibleft this world, Sant Kanwarram Saheb took on the role of serving at Raharki Saheb

Sant kanwarram sahib took on the role of serving at Raharki Sahib not as Shahanshah Satguru Sai Satramdas Sahib’s successor, but as a devoted servant. Sant Sai Kanwarram Sahib took care of Shahanshah Satguru’s beloved son, Sai Meherdas Sahib, who was only 3 or 4 years old when Shahanshah Satguru Sai Satramdas Sahib left this world. One afternoon, when the temperature was very high, Sant Sai Kanwarram Saheb visited Raharki Sahib. Sai Meherdas Sahib asked why Sant Kanwarram Sahib had traveled to Raharki Sahib in such hot weather. Sant Kanwarram Sahib explained that he had to take his brother, Jadaram, to a surgeon in Sukkur for an infected leg that needed immediate amputation. Sant Kanwarram Saheb asked for permission from Sai Meherdas Saheb to take Jadaram to the doctor.

Sant Kanwarram Sahib requested Sai Meherdas Saheb for permission to leave as soon as possible to go to Sukkur and help his brother, who needed immediate surgery for leg amputation due to a severe infection.

of almonds, fennel seeds, magaztari seeds, rose petals, pepper, vetiver seeds, cardamom, saffron, milk, and sugar) to the affected area. This remedy had completely cured the infected body part of the unwell person.

Kanwarram Saheb, who was a devoted disciple of Shahanshah Satguru Sai Satramdas Saheb, immediately summoned his brother Jadaram to Raharki Saheb. Every day, Kanwarram Saheb applied the Thandai paste to Jadaram’s infected leg, and within a few days, the incurable infection was completely healed. Jadaram was saved from having to amputate his leg and made a full recovery.

Sacho Satram.