During a poignant Satsang, Hazir Swaroop Sai Sadhram Sahib emphasized the inevitability of accompanying a specific individual throughout our entire lives.

In fact, we are unquestionably obliged to take care of this particular person without any doubt.
If we find ourselves incapable of managing that single person, it implies that collectively, we will be unable to effectively handle that individual.

Although others may offer advice and explanations that come and go, the crucial guidance comes from within – from our very own selves. It requires a conscious effort to pay attention, be mindful, and maintain awareness of our health, life, intellect, wisdom, actions, and behavior through self-reflection and solitude.

When we cultivate the habit of introspection, we will discover a profound connection between our actions and our inner well-being. Positive deeds leave us feeling energetic and healthy, radiating happiness through a glowing countenance. Conversely, wrongful actions take a toll on our health, leaving us feeling low, our faces reflecting dullness, accompanied by a sense of regret. Identifying these shortcomings allows us to consciously overcome them. By connecting to Parmatma through meditation and the chanting of the sacred NAAM, we experience joy, health, a confident glow, and a perpetual state of smiling elation.

It holds great significance to keenly observe and evolve ourselves for personal growth. This transformation is achievable by incorporating daily meditation, preceded by introspective self-observation. Through this practice, we invite the blessings of our beloved Lord, addressing and overcoming our shortcomings, resulting in personal improvement, happiness, and prosperity. To navigate our lives with conscious awareness and live mindfully, anchoring our mind becomes essential.

Sacho Satram.