During an inspiring satsang led by Hazir Swaroop Sai Sadhram Saheb, he highlighted the significance of fostering positivity within every relationship.

He recounted a fascinating illustration showcasing the influence of positive thinking through a narrative
He mentioned that a couple who had been married for some years began encountering challenges in their relationship.
The wife persisted in quarrelling with her husband.
Each day, the wife would express to her husband his perceived shortcomings and criticise the toxicity of his relatives.
She would continually disparage him in various ways. Initially, she began venting about her husband to her immediate family, but eventually, she disregarded any concern and began speaking negatively about him to everyone.
Her neighbours, friends, and relatives grew weary of listening to her grievances about her husband and family..
One day, the woman caught the voice of a vegetable vendor as he sold his produce.
The woman approached him and requested tomatoes, but the vegetable vendor advised her against purchasing them, stating they were of poor quality, and suggested buying potatoes instead.
Despite the lady’s insistence on tomatoes over potatoes, the vendor persisted in recommending potatoes. He explained that if she insisted on tomatoes, she would have to search through all the tomatoes in the basket to find good ones. Undeterred, the lady searched through the basket and selected the good quality tomatoes.
After selecting the tomatoes, the lady requested okra from the vegetable vendor. Once again, the vendor suggested that she opt for potatoes instead of okra.
The lady persisted in her request for okra, expressing that she did not desire potatoes. However, the vendor continued to dissuade her from purchasing okra..
The vendor informed the lady that the quality of the okra was subpar, suggesting it would be wiser for her to buy potatoes instead. Despite this, she remained adamant, asserting that she could select the good okra from the basket..
With great delight, the lady selected the finest okra from the basket.
Now, the lady observed that whenever she intended to purchase certain vegetables, the vendor discouraged her due to the predominance of poor quality among those specific vegetables. He explained that she would need to exert effort to select the good quality ones from the entire lot, leaving behind the stale ones in the basket.
She inquired of the vendor why he discouraged her from purchasing the vegetables she desired, stating that she was capable of selecting the highest quality vegetables from the lot.
Now, the vendor remarked that since she was adept at discerning the good from the bad, why didn’t she apply the same principle to her relationship with her husband, focusing on his qualities and praising him for his strengths?
He informed her that he was a seasoned vendor in the community where she resided and was acquainted with all her neighbours. He mentioned that they frequently complained about her irksome behavior and were weary of hearing the negative remarks she made about her husband and his family to everyone.
Feeling ashamed, the lady was deeply moved by the vendor’s advice, which resonated with her. From that moment on, she resolved not to voice complaints about her husband and his family to anyone. This incident brought about a profound transformation in her life, leading her to live joyfully and foster happiness within her family.
Saijan remarked that when we venture outside, we seek out and choose good things, yet when we return home, we tend to pinpoint imperfections, criticise, and search for flaws in others.
Marriage holds a sacred significance, and to uphold its sanctity, we should prioritise its values and positive aspects. It is only when a couple emphasises each other’s virtues after marriage that they can cultivate a loving family and create a harmonious life together.

Sacho Satram

Sacho Satram.