In a deeply insightful Satsang delivered by Hazuri Roop Sai Sadhram Saheb, it was illuminated that the essence of our visit to places of worship or temples lies in our internal faith and conviction.

The nature of our rewards is contingent upon the quality of our emotions, underscoring the importance of maintaining pure and virtuous thoughts.

Upon close observation, we discern that Parmatma grants us that which we earnestly desire.

Every time we visit a place of worship, we offer prayers for our well-being.

When a shopkeeper prays for the prosperity of his shop, he receives what he seeks. Similarly, a taxi or auto owner who prays for increased profits from their vehicles sees his prayers answered. Likewise, when we pray for benefits in our jobs, we are often granted. Even if we reside far from places of worship, we appeal to God from our homes to fulfill our desires, often making vows to offer service or pay respects at the place of worship if our prayers are fulfilled.

When our aspirations are solely for the divine blessings of God, we receive them abundantly.

Essentially, the blessings bestowed upon us by God align with our individual aspirations, desires, and the comforts we seek for our businesses, homes, children, and various other aspects of our lives that we pray for.

The nature of our intentions during prayer significantly influences what we receive in response.

Parmatma grants us according to our desires and intentions.

God possesses an abundance of blessings to bestow upon us, yet it’s our choice what we pray for and seek.

Our requests and their extent are within our control, yet when we place complete trust in Him and surrender to His will, He generously showers us with His blessings.

He is magnanimous, and His blessings are boundless.

For instance, Bhagat Sant Kanwarram Sahib used to sing..
‘jedho tuhinjo naav maan ta tedhi tokhaan baajh ghuraan’ This implies that I seek your infinite blessings, akin to your omnipresence. My knowledge is limited, my mind is subject to change, and my desires may be confined. However, with your blessings, I will receive abundantly, surpassing even my wildest imagination.’

When Parmatma graciously bestows his boundless blessings upon us, he has the power to grant us immortality and elevate us to unparalleled levels of success, prosperity, and dignity. This is because his blessings and generosity know no bounds.

Therefore, the crucial factor lies in our mindset, the strength of our faith and devotion to God, and the depth of our love and yearning for the Lord.

We must discern whether our prayers aim to eliminate the enmity or the individual perceived as the enemy. If our intention is solely to terminate the enmity, we will be infused with divinity, leading to resolution and harmony in due time. Conversely, if our focus is on eradicating the enemy, it may lead to feelings of animosity and resentment.

Hence, by maintaining a mindset free from negativity and imbuing our gaze with divinity, wherever we direct our eyes, we will encounter peace and sanctity, enveloped in positive and divine energies.

Upon arriving at the temple or any place of worship, it is imperative that we immerse ourselves in the sanctity of Parmatma.
Upon entering His temple, Parmatma clears our minds of all negative thoughts, allowing us to be receptive to His blessings.

We’ll observe that upon visiting any temple or place of worship, we often carry numerous questions and prayers in our minds to present at the Lotus feet of Paramatma or Satguru. However, upon arrival, many of these prayers, questions, and concerns tend to slip away from our consciousness.

This occurs because God clears our minds to replenish our inner selves with His blessings.

God clears our minds, leaving it to us to choose what we fill it with—whether it be hatred or love, goodness or wickedness.

As soon as we gaze upon the deity, our Sant, or Satguru, our minds begin to absorb all their qualities: meditation, chanting, contemplation, goodness, deeds, life, teachings, guidance, and discourses. Subsequently, when we cast our eyes upon others, they too receive these blessings. Thus, wherever we look, we disseminate the blessings we’ve received, purifying ourselves and evolving into virtuous individuals, ultimately leading a genuinely happy life.

Saijan stressed the importance of daily prayer at the lotus feet of our Satguru and the divine Darshan of our Devis, devtas, sants, and Mahatmas. We should imbibe their blessings and radiate that divinity in our homes and wherever we may journey.

Prior to heading to our office, shop, or workplace, it’s essential to offer prayers and have darshan of our temple. Subsequently, as we gaze upon anyone or any place with eyes brimming with the blessings received from the temple darshan, we transfer those blessings to the places we visit and the people we encounter.

By ingraining this practice into our routine, we will witness significant progress in our lives. We will consistently experience peace, happiness, and a sense of fulfillment, making our lives truly meaningful.

Saijan emphasized the importance of daily meditation, Jaap, Naam, and simran, as through these practices, we imbibe the qualities of our Satguru, Devi, and Devtas into our thoughts and overall life. Every breath becomes pure and pious, cleansing away all negativity and contaminated thoughts. Thus, we elevate the standard of our lives and, through our virtuous deeds, attain happiness and comfort in this life. Moreover, through meditation, we achieve the divinity of heaven and ascend to great heights of humanity.

Sacho Satram

Sacho Satram.