As the Shradhs approached, Sant Sai Satramdas Sahib, the Shahanshah Satguru, directed Sant Kanwarram Sahib to help in the task of plastering the walls of the Dham Sahib along with the other devotees. The task was a joyous one as everyone worked together. Some devotees worked on the walls downstairs while others were plastering upstairs. Some carried the containers filled with plaster and passed them to the workers stationed on the staircase, who in turn passed them to those working above.

Sant Satramdas Sahib arrived and tenderly placed his holy hand on Sant Kanwarram Sahib’s head, bestowing a blessing. Kanwarram Sahib immediately regained consciousness and prostrated himself at the feet of the Shahanshah Satguru. With a smile, Saijan asked if Kanwarram Sahib desired anything. With folded hands, Kanwarram replied, “Oh Sacha Satguru, you have brought me back to consciousness. Please bless me so that all my sins are absolved and I may attain true eternal awareness.” Shahanshah Satguru, Sai Satram Das, smiled warmly and placed his hand lovingly on Sant Kanwarram’s head, granting the requested blessing.

Today, the world recognises that Sant Kanwarram Sahib achieved worldwide renown due to the blessings of Shahanshah Satguru Sai Satramdas Sahib.

Sacho Satram.