The head of Khanpur Panchayat and his brothers approached Sant Sai Satramdas Sahib with an issue.

TThey informed Sant Sai Satramdas Saheb that their home had trees inhabited by malevolent spirits. These trees emitted eerie noises and, on occasion, dropped their branches without warning, injuring anyone nearby. Additionally, they would shake inexplicably, and the entire house seemed to tremble along with them.

They also informed Saijan that their children had witnessed strange and frightening faces, causing them to run in fear, hide and cry. The women in the house would sometimes lose consciousness due to the eerie sounds at night, and men would inexplicably start fighting. They felt that the entire house was under the control of an evil power, causing everyone to live in fear. The situation had become worse than hell.

They shared with Sant Satramdas Saheb that they had called upon many fakirs and tantriks for a solution, but they too fled in terror. Whenever they tried to recite mantras to dispel the evil spirits, the ghosts residing in the trees would appear and frighten them as well.

All of the fakirs, tantriks, and pundits had warned the brothers that attempting to remove the malevolent spirits from their home would result in retaliation since the spirits were incredibly powerful. Even when the brothers attempted to recite mantras themselves, the ghosts would chant the same mantras louder, claiming to know them better.

Having exhausted all other options, the head of Khanpur Panchayat and his brothers sought Sant Sai Satramdas Sahib’s help. They had come to seek his blessings as they could no longer live peacefully in their own home.

The brothers had even attempted to leave the house, but their efforts proved fruitless. In response, Sant Sai Satramdas Sahib urged them to have faith in God and reminded them that loving souls would never intentionally harm anyone. He also acknowledged that some souls were deprived of peace and remained in a wandering state.

Sant Sai Satramdas Sahib promised the brothers from Khanpur that both the malevolent spirits and their family members would soon find peace of mind and experience true joy.

To fulfill his promise, Sant Satramdas Sahib personally visited the head of Khanpur Panchayat’s house and prayed for them. During his Satsang, Shehenshah Satguru enlightened everyone present by explaining that the happiness, difficulties, peace, and frustrations we encounter in life are all the result of our own karma.

Sant Satramdas Sahib taught that by performing good deeds, bringing happiness to others, and practicing meditation, we can achieve love and peace in our lives. Such actions also lead to the attainment of oneness with God through His Grace in the next life.

However, those who cause trouble and harm to others during their lifetime will not find peace in death, and their restless souls will continue to trouble others. It is essential to avoid such negative actions to achieve peace and harmony in life.

Sant Sai Satramdas explained that every soul is inherently pure and pious, but some souls become disturbed, distressed, and troubled due to various reasons, and they end up troubling others. These souls are often labeled as evil, ghosts, or inferior souls. However, Sant Satramdas reminded the audience that even these troubled souls can be blessed with Naam Simran and the guidance of Sants, leading to their enlightenment and ultimate peace.

Therefore, it is essential that we all strive to perform good deeds, live peacefully, and build positive karma in this life, in order to enjoy a blissful afterlife.

Upon hearing Sant Satramdas’ insightful and inspiring spiritual teachings, the people from Khanpur felt their hearts purify and their fear dissipate. Even the ghosts residing in the trees appeared to be listening to Sant Satramdas’ Satsang, and as they listened, their frustration and impure thoughts were replaced with a sense of calm and peace.

As Sant Satramdas Saheb spoke about goodness and positive living, he approached the trees where the evil souls resided. He invited them to partake in the prasad, a blessed offering from God, and leave their evil ways behind. Sant Satramdas Saheb urged them to merge with the souls of the Devtas, purify themselves, and spread happiness with God’s grace.

As soon as these words were spoken, the evil souls emerged from the trees and bowed down before Sant Sai Satramdas Saheb, accepting the prasad and his teachings. The house that once had an atmosphere of negativity now felt heavenly.

This story shows us the transformative power of Shahanshah Satguru Sant Sai Satramdas Saheb’s blessings, which can turn inferior lives into divine lives filled with love, joy, and blessings. Those who follow his teachings experience unconditional love and live happily and joyfully.

Sacho Satram.